Sunday, January 23, 2011

Adjustable School Table

A year or so after we started homeschooling, I really wanted to move from little tables we used as school desks to a school table. I told Dan I wanted an adjustable table that could be short and then grow with the kids. Of course I had visions of a table from Discount School Supply or Lakeshore, but Dan had another idea. Since we'd been married, we'd been using and moving around a kitchen table from his childhood- a pretty utilitarian formica topped table. His solution was to make new legs for that table. He made three sets of legs from a 4x4. Each set was taller than the next. For all these years we've been on the shortest set of legs and I'd been thinking lately (maybe for 6 months) that E12 might really enjoy sitting at a taller table! Dan mentioned it to me too so we finally made the table taller.

Dan is so clever!

E12 helps to put on a new leg

He even scrubbed the table top and the vinyl. A mid-year table tidy. Isn't it beautiful?

Thankfully, J5 is still at a good height for the table and it isn't too tall for him. We started out with cheap wooden chairs for the table that just fell apart too easily (they were build-able) so we replaced them with chairs from Lakeshore Learning.

The table looks so much taller! My kids are growing. *gulp* We still have one more set of legs to go before the original legs are put back on the table. So, they still have more growing to do and I guess we'll have to think about new chairs by that time!


Twisted Cinderella said...

I LOVE the creative way to have an adjustable table!

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought that our table of early marriage would have such a long and useful life! 'Makes me smile!

love, Grandma