Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Great New York State Fair!

Where has August gone? We've been camping again for a week and back home. We're trying to gear up for our homeschool co-op which begins in another couple weeks- and that has required some of my time along with the rest of our committee.

Today we are off to the New York State Fair for the day. We have these three exhibits up at the fair and maybe we can see how they've done. Usually we just send our things and wait to see how it went when we pick them up, but this year E13 is doing his falconry presentation at the State Fair.

Conversion- the Missionaries of the Middle Ages game!

The famous 4-H graphic t-shirt

R's knit hat made with a Knifty Knitter loom

He started with this talk back in March and made it to the district level where he was selected to present again at State Fair. His talk is entitled, "The Art of Falconry" and he gives an overview of the history of the sport and how to become a licensed falconer.

We'll report back later today. Thanks for reading!


Fairly local said...

All 3 exhibits look great! Good luck!

Amy Jo said...

Great job! My ds was at State Fair too, but pretty much stayed in the Beef barn.....
Gail in NY