Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Look at That Sky!

J6 has been pretty sick for about four days or so now. He had a high fever and a horrible sore throat along with conjunctivitis- one dr's visit revealed no strep, but the virus lingered on and boy that fever was ugly! He and I were buds for days with plenty of extra snuggles. At one point while we were sitting together on the sofa he was facing the window and exclaimed, "Mommy look at the sky! We HAVE to sketch it!"

He was pretty taken with the clouds and then the line of color just above the trees.
So, I agreed with his delight in the colors (and who wouldn't?) and asked if I should snap a photo so we could remember and make the sketch later when he was up for it. He liked that idea.

We hope to sketch tomorrow, but considering it's 3 degrees out and there's snow on the ground...that wet pavement is a thing of the past!

Anyway, I had to share our nature study inspiration success from the feverish 6yo who thought to sketch the sky.


Kim @ Homestead Acres said...

It is a great picture! I hope your son is feeling much better soon to. We've had a bug at our house for a while as well.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby. Hope he feels better soon. Ging

Ika Devita Susanti said...

Beautiful sky. I hope your son will get better soon.

Lynn said...

I hope he's better soon!

Hugs and Happy New Year!