Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Game Streak

As most of you know, we are big gamers. We've decided to start a game streak. We haven't completely decided on all the parameters to make our challenge, but we do know we'll be playing at least one game a day. But that's the thing. We probably already do we have to tweak it some! We'll officially start the streak during our camping vacation this week (another scheduled post) and to do so we've packed Dominion, our card game box, travel Catan, and travel Scrabble. We're hoping for a great week!

E12's New York State game- it plays pretty well

Ocean-Opoly- great fun and trivia

Super Deluxe Scrabble...the two oldest and Dan and I played the other night over a few days. Great game. I especially like the raised board for securing tiles.

Why not consider some sort of activity streak at your house? What would you like to try? Time with our children is always a good investment!

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