Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Word Practice...

If you've been a reader for a while, then you know we are a gaming family! J5 had asked for Super Scrabble (deluxe edition) the other day and he worked on his sight words if you remember. But eventually he wanted the full game experience. So, I teamed up with them and we had a family game last Thursday. When I8 got tired of the game, Dan (just home from choir practice) stood in for him. E12 is a serious Scrabble player. Do not sit down with him unless you are prepared!

J5 consults the Scrabble Dictionary...he uses every opportunity to read.

The start of the game...I used all seven tiles on the first turn and got 50 points! Though in retrospect it may be misspelled...

I don't have Scrabble Patience, but I hang in there. I did challenge a few words that turned out to be real words. So, I lost turns twice, but I still ended up in second place.

But "bio" a word? Since when? The definition is a book about a person. Really? Back in the day that was actually "biography" and "bio" was an abbreviation.

The other day we were waiting in the orthodontist's office (anyone visiting a place like that? We have two kids in treatment) and E12 had brought his travel Scrabble. He introduced another family to the game. The boy's mom is not really a fan of the game, but since her son liked it so much she guessed she'd have to get one. Sorry about that fellow homeschooling family!

Any other families out there playing Scrabble?


Fairly local said...

We have played Scrabble but it is not my favorite. My kids get bored with it sometimes too.

I would not have thought that bio was a word.

Kendra said...

Ha, big scrabble people here. And, due to daily Scrabble practice I can usually clear all my bananagram tiles before the rest of the family has finished with their first word. I got kicked out of a game of bananagrams at family camp for being too quick! LOL Qi on with the Q on a triple word/letter score going two directions equals big points. :D

Heather said...

Kendra Dan and E12 play a mean game of Bananagrams too!

I find it's hard to play with a person who spends a long time trying to figure out the best play.

I just don't have the patience for that!
