Monday, February 15, 2010

Trail Guide to US Geography

Since we've been studying the Civil War and talking about states AND the kids really wanted to do some daily geography (what can I say? My kids LOVE maps), I thought it would be fun to pull a resource off the shelf- Trail Guide to US Geography.

During our Morning Gathering Time, the kids work on a two question geography drill using an atlas or whatever other resources they can come up with.

One day a week we do a mapping exercise with the current state.

Then there is a section of the book called Trail Blazing. Actually, each state has a Trail Blazing opportunity which consist of more indepth questions or a project of some sort.

What a perfect source for The Daily Quest! So, each day the kids find something in the box that will coincide with their skill level. The kids are having a lot of fun with it.

1 comment:

Fairly local said...

I am happy to see this. I PMed you on the FIAR boards asking you about it and have since been using this with the various states we are learning about.