This is our most recent unit display which has on it some winter books to enjoy along with one copy of our Birds of New York book. You never know when a fun bird will happen by or you have a question about a bird.
There's a Civil War Fandex along with a copy of If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War. We returned the library books we had on the topic, but these two resources get a lot of time. On the other end are gobs of books about westward movement because I had been wishfully thinking we'd step back in time to the Oregon Trail and follow along with the Westward Ho! Program. I've since changed my mind, but I'm still working on what might be next on our itinerary this year.
I came across some cute bulletin boards at By Sun and Candlelight. Check out Winter Learning with Dawn and February with Dawn.
My plan for our words is to have the kids do some writing. R9 will be given a poetry assignment with the winter/February words and I7 will have to choose several to write sentences with. Nothing earth shattering here, but it is a novel way for them to choose words and it requires a small adventure just to find the words they are to use.
We'll also do an art project to put in our gallery frames above the display. Sometimes we forget and right now I think the thankful poems need to come down!
Looks great, Heather! I was inspired by that same bulletin board post of Dawn's! I also had hopes to do the Oregon Trail thing, but alas, not happening. Just not where we are at right now. Plus, that ladies e-mail really bugged me! LOL
LOL!!!!! I'm sure Shonda that you saw my post on the FIAR boards. She more than a little bugged me.
I also realized that most of those FIAR families are doing their own thing not necessarily participating with the crowd. Then I was over it.
I'm feeling a Homer Price unit coming on...
Heather, I really like the bulletin board. Very neat! We are actually just finishing up Lewis and Clark and we are headed to the Oregon Trail. After that the Civil War. I hope you will start Homer Price so that way by the time we get to it I can see what you did.
That is so neat! I must give it a try! How do you find the time to do all the awesome things that you do with your kids? Do you ever take a break? I want to do so much more, but have a hard time keeping my head above water sometimes. Maybe when my husband gets home from deployment, it will be easier. Then again, I'll want to spend all spare time with him! Any time management pointers would be appreciated!
Shannon C
Shannon I'll try to address some of this. I do take breaks, but I'm thinking of a blog post that might be helpful. Give me a few days and I'll see what I can do!
I recently did a post on our daily routine. Did you see it?
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