Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Co-op Math Class

I'm teaching a math class at co-op this semester. We have a wide age spread (grades K-5) with three stations. Thankfully, I have two great helpers who work with two of the groups and I work with the third group of older kids. The younger kids switch stations part way through class so it works out well.

The aim of the class is just to enjoy math through puzzles, activities, and games. I'm pretty sure we're being successful so far.

This week I took the math chips which were a huge hit. Who can resist the fun of circles with numbers on them? What can you do with them? Read on!
This story is terrific to begin sorting buttons and talking about their properties.

Love buttons and I love trays for containing buttons!
Fantastic math book if you have kids who love numbers!

The "math wise" older kids range from 1st to 4th grade and I finally stumped this week with a tangram challenge! Score one for the co-op math mom! Each week I read to them from the Cool Math book and teach them a new number trick. Then we play a game or do another activity. Favorites games so far are Corners and Equate.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Thanks for sharing! I impulsively ordered the "Cool Math" book- it was just a few cents + shipping. I love this idea for a co op.