Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Game Jar

If you've been reading a while, then you know that we are a big game playing family. Really big. We've been known to fill a hat with game names and to pull to see what we'll play next...takes me right back to a rainy Fourth of July- long games of Catan, and Chinese food.

So, when I saw "The Summer List" idea at Good + Happy Day, I knew right away how I'd adapt it to a game challenge.

We have a lot of games and to make sure we play them all, we'll pull from the jar. This may end some inevitable squabbles over what we'll play at any given time and it'll be a fun school time activity as well...I can even modify the jar to hold a specific set of games. So Clever.

Painting the sticks was a load of fun and I even pulled our fun paint additives to try- we used shimmer additive and glitter additive to the paints. I'm a huge fan of the shimmer. Huge.

How do you all make sure you use the resources you have at home? 


Nancy Ann said...

That's a really neat idea!

I am starting to do an Afternoon Activities time and during that time I pull out our games, science kits and art projects. We do our main subjects in the morning before lunch.

I just picked up 10 Days in the Americas and it's really fun.

Kisha said...

Great idea, Heather! I know that we have way more games than we ever play. That would definitely be a fair way to make sure that all the games get played.

Monica Utsey said...

Can you please share where to purchase the oversized popsicle sticks? I couldn't find them at the Dollar Tree. We are anxious to get started on our game jar.

Heather said...

Monica you can get them at craft stores and I bought mine at walmart.

Happy jar making!
