Friday, January 27, 2012

Castle Construction

I haven't posted much about it so far, but E13 has been using WinterPromise Quest for the Middle Ages this year. We have finally seen the end of the Roman Empire and have really begun the Middle Ages portion of the curriculum. We've found that we've had to modify some of the projects for various reasons, but we are moving along. Recently, we have been discussing how and why castles were made. So, E13 has been working on a castle model.

This is an Usborne paper castle kit- I'm letting him do it all on his own and if something goes wrong I have a few spare kits. Not sure where I picked some up, but they are in our collection.

The gate house with the drawbridge and portcullis
E13 loves all the reading that goes with this program. We have selections for read alouds as well as sections of various books along the way. It's following Mystery of History Volume 2. We do a lot of reading aloud, along with reading on his own plus written assignments, projects and a timeline. This has been a great study for transitioning from a unit study approach to a more traditional schooling approach. As much as we are enjoying the curriculum, I think most of its value is in the reading schedule with the resources it pulls together. It has inspired me to continue to put together my own materials for even high school courses. I will share some of the other work that E13 has done with WinterPromise. It's been really nice to have that independent study list for him as well as reading and working together on chronological history of the Middle Ages.

1 comment:

Nancy Ann said...

Heather, thanks so much for sharing about this. I am debating about this curriculum as well and my concern is how much of it has a Christian perspective and opinions. I am leery of curriculum that has a heavy emphasis on their Christian opinion. We are Christian and take that very seriously, however we are not Protestant and have our own materials for bible/church teaching. Any insight will be helpful. I enjoy your blog very much!!