Sunday, August 28, 2011

Getting Ready

Before we left on this most recent camping trip, I was doing some hoeing out and finally I put away last year's school work. I think I read on a blog within the last day or so that others walk away from it all at the end of the year only to come back and deal later on. That was me this year! Sometimes I do it right away. This year...not so much.

I got to use my new ProClick which, in agreement with others, is absolutely uh-mazing! I can totally see where the notion of, "I must find more to bind" comes from!

I emptied the math journals and bound them up and stored them away in a labeled container (a reusable grocery bag did the track for all of our 2010-2011 work!).

My new super tool- the ProClick by GBC

What a mess! Since I don't change out activities day to day in these workboxes, they get messy AND you can see we lack discipline in using all the boxes- my kids like to stuff all their work on the top row. They are just a lot to keep after with four kids and more of a relaxed homeschooling environment.

At our house they gather dust and "stuff" accumulates behind them. Have a ever mentioned that my kids target practice with their Nerf guns on our maps there? They have an elaborate system involving different point values of the various states. As you can imagine...behind these racks on the floor were copious amounts of foam darts and legos and fake coins and beads and buttons and...

Though we have started school slowly this year (as is typical), we are scheduled to begin in earnest tomorrow. I still have my work cut out for me this evening! I did get E12's books set up, but I need to find a balance with those workboxes. They are my nemesis. There. I said it. I simply need to face the fact that when it all comes down, they do not serve our style of homeschooling well. At this point, they are a place where we store our school work when we aren't using it and since I have little option to change that, I'm working with what I have. I am experimenting with using only the rack without the boxes for a few subjects so that the notebook/book will lay flat on the rack. It might be easier for the kids to maintain. Once I've got it figured out, I will share with you all. But something needs to change!

More on the start of school and the plans for the other kids as I finish them. I'm looking forward to a good start for our new school year!


Donna(mom24boyz) said...

I just thought I would share with you the types of boxes we use...I had the same problem that you do..with the books just not fitting nicely etc. can check it out here

Shonda said...

Wowza, I am loving those spiral bound notebooks!!!

Heather said...

I know Shonda...really you MUST experience this thing. You won't be the same after. haha


Rachel said...

I would love to hear more about your experience with the Proclick binder. I've been contemplating getting one!

Fairly local said...

I am working on getting one of those. I love those spiral-bound notebooks.