Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween 2010!

We had plans to make some LEGO mini figure costumes involving boxes and paper mache, but time got away from Dan so instead our kids visited our dress up box on Sunday afternoon. This may surprise some of you. Fear not, I have made plenty of costumes in my day. However, this whole trick or treat thing takes all of about 30 minutes tops. The ratio of work time to usage time is way out of proportion...I have my limits.

I8 chose a pirate theme- he's been listening to a lot of Treasure Island lately.

R10 is a prairie girl and can you guess who J5 is??

How fun is this bag?? R10 made this at her sewing class.

Two of the four carved pumpkins...I have a post on our trip to the farm coming soon, but going late in the season is a great idea. We paid a $1 a pumpkin whatever the size!

So, that's our Halloween story. We get about 100 "kids" that night..."kids" refers to the number of teenagers I see every year. I almost think I see more teens than young children and they aren't escorting siblings. I'm just sayin'.

Speaking of older children, E12 went to youth group that evening and helped to hand out candy when he returned home. To children older than he is... 

Oh yes, I almost forgot! Take note of the SNOW on the ground. It was a chilly night!

1 comment:

Fairly local said...

Great costumes, bag, and pumpkins. I could not figure out who J5 was suppose to be. LOL!