Thursday, October 29, 2009

TOS Crew Review: Good News Express

Passkeys Foundation offers products and workshops to help parents build in desired character qualities in their children. The website offers various products to parents in addition to workshop videos on their website. I took a particular notice of a workshop video and pdf document of a character mentoring workshop for Mothers of Preschoolers- MOPS.

I was sent one book and CD from the Individual Character traits set of the Goodnews Express entitled The Cheerful Grump.

Cost: $7.50

We always enjoy audio books at our house and I popped this in one afternoon for the kids to enjoy. The story is read and there are some songs to hear all based on the idea that we should be kind to others. The bear in the story realizes at the story's conclusion that he has not acted kindly toward his neighbors and he changes his behavior, apologizes and resolution takes place.

While I appreciate the resources this company provides (and being a MOPS Field Leader I'm excited this organization has taken an interest in a ministry I spend a lot of time with), this is not a product I would seek. If you have a limited budget and feel strongly about having resources for the job of character building in your young children, then the Good News Express is worth a look.

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