We went to the local consignment shop last week while R9 was at sewing camp- a little lesson in walking through the city for the boys. I found some fun things...they have a new homeschooling book section that totally ROCKS. I have some math resources to share in another post that were absolutely sent from heaven just for me! This trip however, we found these fun items.
A go along for Marie Curie and a Before FIAR book The Carrot Seed- my copy isn't too good of shape so I am happy to replace it

A book on presidents (a go along resource for a new unit study of ours) and a space from the Let's Read and Find Out science series- super science books for elementary kids.

An eye wonder book and a fun little book on unplugged family activities. I love a good activity book!

I so could not pass up on the bird flash cards to add to our collection.

Why not throw a little Spanish in this year? This fun little pairing puzzle will introduce some vocabulary. We are continuing with our Latin study this year, but some basic Spanish pronunciation and vocabulary can't hurt.

This little store is the best. I'm successful at selling there as well as buying. I have sold so much baby equipment in there as well as clothing. You never know what you'll find when you arrive. But I rarely leave empty handed.
Looks like you found some real treasures.
Wow, those are some great finds!
I just love finding gems like that in second hand shops. I recently picked up 5 FIAR books at our local goodwill for 50 cents each!
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