Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Explorations in Science & Pioneer Crafts

I taught a science class at co-op this semester. Brushed off my science teacher hat and had a great time. We did topics such as acid/base chemistry, kinetic and potential energy, crystals, magnification, heat transfer, density among others. The kids made a notebook with their lab sheets and we did plenty of hands on activities. Monday we played a review game- Are you Smarter than a Homeschooler? and they did so well! Stuff learned- woohoo!

R8 was in my science class- here's the co-op night table

Her other class was Pioneer Crafts- the teacher went through each Little House book and talked about the Ingalls and the kids mapped and did the cooking and crafts from each book. FUN stuff! Here the kids are making popcorn balls from These Happy Golden Years.

Pulling molasses candy from Farmer Boy.

They made wrapping paper, haysticks, autograph books, and name cards.

tin punched plates, cloved apples, and patchwork squares

They also mapped out the family's homesteads and even how they parceled out the land in DeSmet, SD as the town was being formed.
R8 had a fabulous time in both classes. Another successful co-op semester was had by all the kids! J3 was in the preschool class and they got to perform a new ABC song for the audience Monday night. His alphabet book is more complete now as well.

Next semester I'm considering teaching an American Girl class...still thinking on it!

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