Monday, December 17, 2007

More Snow!

This weekend we had the third storm in as many weeks and we are all enjoying the snow! I negotiated with my neighbor across the street so we could have the snow wall early for sledding. Our front yard is a sharp, little hill and Dan makes a sled run diagonally across it. However, there has to be a significant snow bank at the bottom so this kids can't go in the road and to cover the ditch which is still running with water after some mixed precip last week.

All the kids loved it and we have new sleds to enjoy the run. Dan ran and jumped on our old sled and cracked it last year! When we bought the sleds on Thursday the kids kept asking, "Is Daddy going to break this sled?" HA! I think we got some looks on that one.

We'll continue to have snow showers on and off this week. I'm sure it won't amount to much other than a few more inches on top of what we already have, but it sure beats the cold, dull gray that can happen this time of year if the snow isn't falling!

J2 had a blast yesterday and was out for a few hours along with everyone else. He took one ride down the hill and decided it wasn't for him. The neighbors came out and they were sliding and snowball fighting with us. The worst snowball fight ever because of the powdery snow. It was like sloowww motion fighting with everyone taking forever to make any kind of lame snowball to throw.

Sure does entrench the Christmas Spirit to have so much snow!

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