Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sunflower Garden Update #2 and #3

I keep forgetting to update you all on our sunflower garden so I'm going to do it all at once here. We planted them on Father's Day and they've been doing well since then. We've been careful to water them and nothing is around to hinder them from getting sun.

This was as of July 31st- getting bigger!

This week we saw our first bloom!

They were planted fairly symmetrically so this one is the partner on the other side. Not sure which variety...we need to go back and look at our map!

As tall as I9 and taller than J6

We are excited to see the flowers bloom! And they look great around the mailbox. What's not to love? We have some other varieties getting closer to coming out. I'm excited to see the moulon rouge flowers which are next I think. We only have one left as the other disappeared the first week. We replanted it with an autumn bouquet, but it will be a little later since we started it later. The two seed varieties have some more growing to do yet. We'll keep you posted.


Barb said...

Wow! They have really sprouted up in the last few weeks...I love the way they look when they are just about to open with the sepals all folded over and protecting the bloom inside.

Thanks for sharing!

Fairly local said...

Awesome! I love sunflowers!

Tabby Tiger said...

Your sunflower looks gorgeous and healthy! I also have sunflowers in my garden but it’s not quite good. Something is wrong with them.

Doll Houses said...

I just love having a sunflower plant in my garden! They're a really great flower to have! I just love the way it follows the sun and at night just closes up... just like a person!