Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Unit Study: The Sewing Machine

My new post is up over at Heart of the Matter. I just love writing for them! This month it's a unit study on the sewing machine.

A few months ago I took my daughter to a local craft fair sponsored by her sewing school where she could sell a few things she’d made. While we were there for the afternoon, I had the pleasure of watching the coordinator of the school sell the refurbished machines that were waiting for new owners. There were about 12 machines for sale and half had sold by the time we arrived. The ones that were left included a wonderful little hand crank machine from the early 1950s and a Singer circa 1960- something complete with “cams” to change the stitches. I learned how to sew on a machine just like that! As I was listening to this woman tell the story of each machine- when it was made, who the manufacturer was, and how sturdy a performer it would be, I became inspired to explore the world of the Sewing Machine.


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