Thursday, September 30, 2010

American Girl: Felicity

R10 and I have started on a little journey through the American Girl book using Portraits of American Girlhood, a unit study written by Cindy Sotelo. We won't be hurtling through all of them in a row, but we will do several this year and several next year. I think. Unless I feel that she is outgrowing the idea. Gasp. Anyway, we've started with Felicity. As unit studies go, I really like this one. It's very laid back and it does have a breakneck schedule each week.

R has been doing some writing with a word of the week. This first week has been independence. She defined it and I had her list ways that Felicity shows independence in her character. She has been reading some biographies of famous people from that time. If you have been a reader for a while, then you know we have studied the time of the American Revolution a few times with Betsy Ross. So, we aren't going to dwell too long here right now.


One of the really fun things R10 has been doing is sewing at the home of a "grandmother" friend. The two of them are the perfect creative storm! They've been getting into a grand sewing stash and playing American Girl doll like crazy. Felicity is currently getting a new nightgown with a "lappet" from the original American Girl doll clothing patterns. I think when they are through with that, R10 will make herself a new gown. But along the way, they have created some other things especially using a ruffle maker attachment on the sewing machine- which R10 could hardly contain herself to use!

The other thing we really enjoy about this unit is the food we get to make! R10 loves to cook with me in the kitchen so this has been a treat for her. I'm also teaching an American Girl Survey co-op class this semester. I'll share what we made for her friends at co-op in a bit. 

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