Friday, May 14, 2010

Family Evenings

So, it's baseball season. This year that means we are at the ball fields 4 nights a week. We have to be at the fields by 5:45pm and we are there until 7 or 8pm. It depends on whether or not it's a teeball or baseball night. J4 plays teeball on Mondays and Wednesdays. Young I know, but he soooo wanted to play the big boys. With it being football weather so far this season, they play a few innings and we all go home.

The older boys are in the minors or majors league and play on Tuesday and Thursday nights. It has been freezing this season so far and we play ball until 8pm! Brrr!! I7 has decided he's through with standing in the field for two hours. E11, on the other hand, LOVES to play ball. His hitting is getting better, but he is an excellent fielder.

Being out almost every weeknight is no fun, but the season is short. It only goes through the first week of June. That will come up quickly. I hope. In addition to the cold, it's been rainy so we lucked out on Wednesday with teeball being rained out. Instead, we had a family evening at home. I thought it would be fun to share our evening.

Dan and E11 played Bananagrams and then they were together on this linear algebra problem. E11 was working on graphing an equation from some college admission statistics- an assignment from MIRL (Math in Real Life). He did great on his own with cell phone plans, but this one gave him a problem to start. Yesterday he finished it up without Dan successfully.

R9 was trying to finish InkSpell.

J4 worked on his castle using castle cards.

I7 and I played the Catan Card Game. He'd been asking all day. Ever played? It plays a lot like regular Catan only you move cards instead of all the little pieces and it's only for two players.

He likes to get knights, but I like victory points so ultimately I won.
It was a lovely evening and I'm glad we had a one night respite. Spending all evening outdoors wouldn't be a drag if it was warm!!! But 45 degrees and wind stinks. For everyone. Looking forward to the end of the season when we can all relax.


Kisha said...

Looks like you all had a lot of fun! I love when we have family nights here too. So peaceful...until my daughter loses. :)

What are castle cards? We just finished up w/ Duchess, and my kids might like them.

Heather said...

they are klutz kit cards Kisha.

My kids enjoy them and I was able to pick up an extra set at a consignment shop which adds to the fun.