He's also been keeping a notebook for his studies with The Salamander Room. And of course lots of little bitty creatures are mentioned in The Salamander Room. So, we finally got our caterpillars from Insect Lore and we've been watching them grow from tiny to HUGE.
One day, when the caterpillars were nice and plump, they all started up for the ceiling and made themselves hang upside down. It was really cool to see them hanging there as caterpillars and over a few days transform into a pupal stage.
Today it was time to get our chrysalises into the mesh habitat. I really thought Dan should have the pleasure, but he voted me because I am the biology teacher. So true. Yet, a have a dislike of insects across the board.
Stumped...so they say to open gently, but the lid is really hard to get off the container. R9 caught me with a look on my face that says, "NOW What?"
Taking the paper thing the chrysalises are hanging from and getting them into the mesh bag...without something bad happening was tricky business.
Home Sweet Home- all set for coming out of there in the adult stage. I hope we get to see some of the next stage as it happens.
For now, we'll be adding to the caterpillar book with some cool photos of our caterpillars and chrysalises.
Today J4 even happened upon a caterpillar on this leg that he tried making a habitat for in the wooded play set area and he grew somewhat frustrated that his caterpillar kept walking out of it!
We did this project a few years ago. We were all amazed how the caterpillars VISIBLY grew from morning to night! Have fun!
I'm glad to hear about a good experience with this. Our Insect Lore caterpillars were already in chrysalis form when they arrived - laying at the bottom of the cup. Not good. We're supposed to get new ones this week.
Pathfinder Mom I sure you have a better experience this time around. The kids have been having a great time observing.
Heather! Is that a Fast Track game board I spy under your son's "C" picture?? We made that game also, and my daughter loves it! I just had to comment..... : )
Shelly L from FIAR
Sure is Shelly! We haven't played it in a while...maybe tomorrow is the day.
I love the "NOW what?" look, Heather! We're planning this for the summer. I don't know about the frogs though. I'm not really into creatures that can escape and hop around in my house. My boys would love it though.
Well Kisha,
Your comment reminds me I still need a frog post AND these are African Water Frogs so they will live entirely under the water their whole lives- like fish!
See, underwater frogs sound more like my speed. But I'll still be watching your progress before taking the plunge!
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