Thursday, November 19, 2009

Math Card Game- Corners

In an effort to keep practicing math facts and make it fun, I got this idea to try out the RightStart Math Card Games. is not a great time to buy stuff unrelated to the holidays. So, I decided to see how I could come up with the games at a low cost.

A FIAR friend let me know that she made her cards and that a few of the basic games are on YouTube. So, I've been on a quest to make these cards and learn a few games. I do plan to purchase the Math Card Game Book that RightStart sells to accompany the card sets just as soon as I can. The cards retail for $7.50 a game or $25 for a set of 6 card decks. To make the Corners cards, Addition, Product, and Fraction sets I will have spent about $3 total and it took me no time at all really to make them. The trickiest part is how many to make and what goes on them.

So, here are the directions to two games involving the Corners cards. The first is just plain old Corners. This game practices identifying sums that are multiples of 5 and 10.

Top and Bottom Corners is a lot trickier. You have to add to get the sums that are multiples of 5 and 10 with the vertical numbers and subtract with the differences being multiples of 5 and 10 with the horizontal numbers. This gives practice with negative numbers and makes the game harder to get to 100!

So, we played a bunch today. I played with R9, then later on I7, and finally E11 who couldn't wait to beat me. I decided it would be great fun to video the game with I7. Did you all know I got a nice little new phone for my birthday last week? I had to try it out and the hardest part was liberating the video from the phone and getting it on to my computer which was nothing short of a technological miracle and when Dan finds out how I did it, he'll be amazed. Amazed. I'm not sure it's worth all that hassle, but I know how to do it the easy way now without locking up my phone 3 times. Maybe it won't be so bad next time!

Without further ado...I7 and I play Corners- this is a great way to practice adding lots of numbers. So many bonuses to this game. Now press play and see if you can pick out the Balmer (Baltimore) accent! And watch for J4's shadow.


Hannah said...

Aren't math games the greatest? I have a couple books I love with lots of math game ideas, plus for my son's Cub Scout math belt loop, we've been doing some fun math activities, like tossing a coin 100 times to learn probability, or calculating our total as we go through Costco, or doing a statistic experiment where he surveyed a whole bunch of people about their favorite color. It's been great to add some variety to our regular curriculum (we use Miquon). Thanks for the videos! We'll have to try out your games.

carriejoy said...

Hard to hear you at the moment with all the craziness here. But you do NOT sound like I thought! I did look at the games on youtube earlier. I was wondering about how many cards to make too. That IS the tricky part - wonder if the book says how many cards needed... Looks like the book may need to get on my list. Though maybe the $50 for the games is a good idea too. Hard to say.

Lynn said...

Heather, that was cool! I need to look into this for M. She's moving on in math (Saxon 7/6), but I miss the drill you get with games like this. I think we need it right now.

By the way, you've got my vote for SUPER homeschooler. :)
