Friday, December 19, 2008

Take the Time!

To play this holiday season. I've been reflecting on this as I have been observing others running around crazy this season with shopping, Christmas plays (their rehearsals and preparation), cookie exchanges, craft sessions, more shopping, early Christmas celebrations, traveling, more shopping, more gatherings, musical concerts, dance recitals, and all the other things that go along with a fun Christmas season.

Back in August, when I scheduled my surgery for the end of October, one of the results of that decision was to empty my calendar from October 28th through to the end of the year. Sure, I could have put some things on the schedule starting some time in December, but I chose not to do so. I've had so much surgery that I knew I could have complications. In the past I've had them. One simple complication can set your recovery back a week or more.

Instead, I decided to allow myself plenty of time without the pressure of making sure I was back on track before Christmas. You know what? That was the best decision I've made in a long time!

I'll remember this next year when I'm tempted to take on too much! And you can bet Dan will remind me too. Because who am I kidding? Next year I will feel up to taking on the holiday world by storm! I'll look back on this post and wonder how I could have been still so long. Yeah. That's how it will play out. But peace is good. I will remember that.

J3 and I took some time to do some play doh baking yesterday- cinnamon rolls and sausage balls are what we worked on. What is better than a brand new can of Play Doh? Seriously...I love to squish it. My only complaint? J3 is a doh mixer. So, we have three brand new cans of slightly swirly play doh now. It's all good. Deep breaths....deep breaths....

Enjoy this last week of holiday frenzy!
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