Thursday, August 28, 2008

It's Official. Really! Congratulations Dan!!

Some of you know about my husband Dan. A wonderful guy...chosen just for me and the father of four awesome kids. A loyal blog reader and fan. The love of my life!

Warning: unabashed bragging ahead!! Dan is a chemical engineer.and he works in the field of semi-conductor processing. You know...he processes computer chips and other small devices using specific tools and technologies to do so. Before we moved here, he worked at Lockheed Martin making radiation hardened computer chips that go into satellites and space probes. For example, chips he helped to make are in the Saturn Cassini probe which arrived at Saturn within the last year and half or so.

In his current job, he helps with lab management and safety in a Nanoscale Facility. He maintains tools and trains students to use the equipment that makes these small devices. He gets to work with a lot of graduate students and faculty. The best part is that he can pursue his own interests and work on projects of all kinds. The lab also does a fair amount of outreach seeing as they have a grant from the National Science Foundation. Part of their charter requires educational outreach. That's how we've been able to hook in to LEGO FIRST and he is teaching a class at our local homeschool co-op this fall.

He's just excellent at what he does and we are very proud of him at our house. The two oldest boys currently want to follow in their father's footsteps and be engineers. We recently talked about generational things from the book Arabella. It might interest our readers to know that Dan is from a long line of engineers...his father and his father's father are/were both engineers. His sister is an engineer as well- she's a practicing attorney now but we won't let her renounce the engineering degree- at our house anyway! Who knows...maybe we'll have some more engineers in the family. I dare say I hear little engineering minds at work often.

The reason for all this bragging on Dan is that he has recently accomplished something grand and it has been duly noted that my blog has not yet reflected this achievement. My apologies Dan... I didn't want to announce it in blogland until all the details were tidied up. I have it on good authority that we in the clear zone. So...without further ado:

Congratulations to Dan on the successful defense of his masters thesis!!!

This is just to show you that the finished product is actually a bound book.

Title page: His thesis is titled Process Development to Create a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microcoil- I bet you guys want your own copy!!

I made the dedication of the primary reasons we moved so far from home was so he could go to school.

Table of Contents- Just in case you want to find out more...

You did it honey! 8 years and three more children met your goal! We are proud of you!! Now you can relax and dabble and who knows...PhD might just go with your name some day too. Love you!


Jen said...

WooHoo! "Dr. Dan" has a nice ring to it... : )

Lynn Hasty said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Way to go, Dan!!!

He can dress like a butler and deliver cake at a children's birthday party AND he can do something like this!? Wow.


Holly said...